Wilson Peaks Smokers Pack
approx: 10kg



Introducing the Wilson Peaks Farm All-Natural Beef Smokers Pack—an enticing choice for aficionados. This premium beef, raised without vaccines and antibiotics, brings an authentic flavor that pairs seamlessly with smoking techniques. Enhance your culinary journey with responsibly-raised, flavor-rich beef from Wilson Peaks Farm. Explore the art of smoking with Wilson Peaks Farm's Smokers Pack for a delicious experience.
  • 2kg Brisket
  • 2 x 1kg Beef Ribs
  • 2kg Beef Shanks (Thor's Hammer)
  • 2 x 1kg BBQ Beef Sausages
  • 2 x 1kg Mince


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We would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Email: info@deervale.com.au

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